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Policy & Markets
Sara Carbone
The promise of housing developments around solar
Sara Carbone
PPA price increases are having some impact on the industry
Sara Carbone
The ailing grid problem – an in-depth look
Sara Carbone
The latest on the state of the DOC anti-circ case
Sara Carbone
The latest on the terrible circumvention trade case
Sara Carbone
Can energy storage heal grid interconnection issues?
Sara Carbone
Issues around community solar that need to be handled
Sara Carbone
Phillips of FERC shares the need for interconnection overhaul
Sara Carbone
Report shows that consumer choices in solar and storage have expanded
Sara Carbone
Solar industry weighs in regarding Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force
Sara Carbone
Solar and battery storage will take the grid by storm this year
Sara Carbone
Increasing customer debt and electricity prices spell trouble for all
Sara Carbone
EIA reports solar has more than 4% of the energy market
Sara Carbone
Request made to bar utilities from charging for their anti-renewables activities
Sara Carbone
The DOE dives into how to mitigate supply chain constraints
Sara Carbone
Four tech solutions to help utilities transform transmission
Sara Carbone
Top ten clean energy buyers in America for 2021
Sara Carbone
DOE giving funds for battery tech and recycling
Sara Carbone
Top trade groups push for interconnection reform
Sara Carbone
States are pursuing energy storage targets
Sara Carbone
PJM is looking to speed up its very backlogged interconnection queue
Sara Carbone
Multifamily housing could be viable for solar in CA
Sara Carbone
A new book on a billion dollars in industry opportunities
Sara Carbone
The DOE creates new programs to support community solar growth
Sara Carbone
5 states adjusted their RPS for the better in 2021
Sara Carbone
Steps needed before the wholesale market opens to distributed solar and storage owners
Sara Carbone
Biden’s plan to extend the tweaked solar tariff
Sara Carbone
Cinnamon’s industry predictions
Sara Carbone
Why our transmission planning needs an overhaul
Sara Carbone
Cleaner building standards group has been launched
Sara Carbone
Four part series on market trends
Sara Carbone
Tariffs, Buy America and US panel manufacturing
Sara Carbone
Weighing the refunded carbon tax
Sara Carbone
A series on policy outlook for the new year
Sara Carbone
New York continues to show leadership in energy storage policy
Sara Carbone
Two states make important policy moves
Sara Carbone
The govt offers energy transition and grid modernization support to states
Sara Carbone
FERC seeks to up transmission efficiency
Sara Carbone
California’s net metering may be in peril
Sara Carbone
Biden sends market signals with his latest executive order
Sara Carbone
Advocates push FERC to reject EEI request for monopoly on clean energy transition
Sara Carbone
Clean energy legislation broken down by state
Sara Carbone
Democrats have a FERC majority
Sara Carbone
A-SMACC petition for more tariffs denied
Sara Carbone
Supreme Court ruling that comes with potentially heavy consequences
Sara Carbone
CALSSA plans to flood the CPUC with comments re NEM-3
Sara Carbone
Senate Democrats press Manchin for compromise on spending bill
Sara Carbone
Cutting down the bill in Congress gets tough for Democrats
Sara Carbone
Energy efficiency funding likely in reconciliation bill
Sara Carbone
Clean Energy Performance Program lacks key support
Sara Carbone
The Biden Administration supports a plan for renewable energy tax partnerships
Sara Carbone
Illinois sets new precedents on clean energy
Sara Carbone
DOE funded consortium for grid decarbonizing inverters
Sara Carbone
Solar proposal in NY is a cautionary tale
Sara Carbone
House budget votes moves forward billions in potential efficiency investments
Sara Carbone
How FERC can help move clean energy forward
Sara Carbone
House Democrats Push for More Clean Energy in Infrastructure Bill
Sara Carbone
Senate to vote on infrastructure bill
Sara Carbone
Infrastructure bill clears another hurdle
Sara Carbone
New campaign seeks more visibility for FERC for new bills
Sara Carbone
New DOE program to promote long-duration storage
Sara Carbone
Effect of forced labor bans on the industry
Sara Carbone
McCarthy Calls for CES
Sara Carbone
A new solar tax credit hits the Senate
Sara Carbone
Manchin takes a shot at Biden’s climate goals
Sara Carbone
DOE pushing for US participation in battery manufacturing
Sara Carbone
Biden’s 2022 budget proposal
Sara Carbone
Key senator wants more time in infrastructure deliberations
Sara Carbone
Biden and the DOE turn their eyes on buildings and renewable tech
Sara Carbone
FERC sends SE utilities back to the drawing board on market proposal
Sara Carbone
EPA wants to aggressively phase down greenhouse gases
Sara Carbone
SolSmart is very good policy for the solar market
Earth Day announcement from Biden on greenhouse gas emissions
Utilities are eyeballing Biden’s clean energy mandate
Will the American Jobs Plan become law?
Biden’s proposed infrastructure goals are good news for renewables
Biden climate change policy implementation may be more of a whisper than a shout
How to evolve NEM for better DER
Stand-alone Storage Tax Incentive and Deployment Act
Significant climate change legislation has been floated in the House
The ITC actually does apply to battery storage
Special task force has unleashed new blueprints for state energy planning
GREEN Act could mean very good news for solar
New forced labor law could impact panel supply chain
Biden’s on a roll with climate change related exec orders
Biden’s first steps and what Americans think
The public is now able to impact FERC policies
RMI offers up terrific highlights of recent policy decisions
FERC is shifting towards more aggressive regulation on climate change
Nominations imminent for two energy related positions in Biden admin
Biden on China’s import tariff and Phase 1 agreement
At long last a full strength FERC!
FERC’s possible next chairman discusses priorities for 2021
Why Biden’s plan is a heck of a lot more doable than the Green New Deal
Get the lowdown on key clean energy 2020 ballot initiatives
CALSSA’s Exec Dir on the impact of COVID on policy
Biden’s Clean Energy Plan Up Close
Trump raises solar tariff and removes bifacial exemption
Revisions to CA’s Rule 21 will mean more active role for DERs in the grid
November results could allow a comprehensive climate change-related bill
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