Video What are Cosmic’s current human resource needs?

Sasha Jokic of Cosmic Buildings, the next generation housing company, speaks with Kerim Baran of SolarAcademy about Cosmic’s current hiring needs in this relatively early stage of their innovative company. 

Kerim: What kind of people are you looking to recruit to the team right now, what are your biggest human resource needs right now and other needs? We talked a little bit about financing too but, maybe we can talk a little bit more about that.

Sasha: Yes, so we we’re right now are hiring people on the software engineering side bringing in software developers from the data science all the front end and then also we quite good coverage with architecture design we have a really great world-class design team and what we are right now looking into is to bring on the operation people to help us on the construction delivery supply chain that I think what we are right now having a lot of discussions with the great candidates coming up from those modular companies that were born in the last five years and quite surprisingly a lot of people are really understanding and getting our mission and seeing this as the next step in the evolution of modular industry so, really had a great time to bring on the talents for this type of building company.

Kerim: All right, thank you.