SolarAcademy Journal: The Voice Inside

Busy times here at SolarAcademy. Lots of good things happened last week. Accomplished all of our goals from last week:

  • Engaged a number of new potential clients for our Solar Buyer’s Advisory services
  • Created the outline for our upcoming “Become a Solar Entrepreneur” course
  • Engaged a number of installers for our “Video and Content Marketing” services
  • Integrated Google Analytics on our website

Things to do this week:

  • Design a win-win “Solar Buyer’s Advisory” services pricing model for commercial & nonprofit solar buyers
  • Create a better promotion page for our “Solar Buyer’s Advisory” services
  • Design a “solar conversations” format for capturing valuable conversations in audio and/or video format
  • Re-organize content under various topic headings/sections and menu items
  • Think about how SolarAcademy becomes a fuller reflection of my soul and my purpose in this lifetime (more on this down below).

This last bullet is what I want to write a little bit about as I conclude this post. 

In the past handful of years, I have come across highly spiritual business leaders, teachers, coaches who all seem to have a message similar to this: 

Listen to the voice inside and become aware of your body which holds your pains and desires. Do this in order to become a more conscious person and a more effective worker in serving humanity.

Last week I met another such person. The funny thing is – by now I can identify these souls from the resonance of their voices. It is like, before the words come out, just from the vibrations of their voices one knows whatever they say will be wise and useful. Anyways, the person I met last week also suggested that whatever I do in my life, I make sure that all of me is reflected in that endeavor. 

I will give that a deep thought this week as I think about how to define SolarAcademy’s scope alongside my other personalities, skills, and passions… some of which are listed here:

Father, Teacher, Learner, Connector, Uniter, Partner, Founder, Company builder, Investor, Entrepreneur, Strategist, Advisor / coach, Futurist, Old soul / spiritual person, Global citizen, Competitive sailor, Open water swimmer, Industrial Engineer, Achiever, Maximizer, Meditator, Loyal friend to few good people, Lover of nature, Supporter to the underdog, Seeker of harmony, justice, and sovereignty for all…

Until next week…