SolarAcademy Journal: Power of Sharing Stories

We are moving fast on so many fronts that I have ignored updating the SolarAcademy daily posts for almost a whole week. But to say the least, I have been in content creation and project planning mode for most of the past two weeks. 

One thing I have been doing is what I preached in our journal update 2 weeks ago, which is essentially recording my conversations related to solar projects on Zoom and then sharing them online.

I am hopeful that this type of recording and sharing of conversations will become more commonplace as people are conducting business. Of course, parsing, editing, and producing the content in digestible and interesting media clips and bite sizes will be key… I have a feeling a lot of the future vocational training and continuing education might be done that way. 

Goals this week:

More content creation and continued focus on solar projects and solar start-ups. One other item that is starting to take my bandwidth and schedule is the topic of raising a fund to multiply the impact of my personal investing and advising to help scale solar and sustainability-focused companies. I hope to make some meetings happen on this front as well.

I called this week’s theme the Sharing Stories. Sharing stories is powerful. Simply because it helps us evolve. Many of us grow with limiting beliefs based on our childhood experiences, wiring, and indoctrinations. Then we see or hear (or better yet experience) something that contradicts those beliefs and then we evolve.  

I believe sharing such stories is important because it helps us see the real truth. I believe people sharing stories bring us closer and help contribute to a more harmonious and collaborative economy and human society.