10 Thing Worth Reading This Week (12/31/21)

NERC is reporting that more frequent extreme weather plus the shuttering of older plants with the adding on of new variable resources is resulting in more and more electric grid instability. All this with a Midwest (via Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s grid) capacity shortfall just around the corner.

PERC solar panels are built with PERC cells, tech that has an added layer on the back of the traditional solar cells. This extra layer makes it so more sunlight is captured and converted to electricity. The result is higher efficiency and an ability to mitigate rear recombination and prevent longer wavelengths from becoming heat that impairs cell performance. Read more to learn why they are a more viable option these days.

Canary Media assesses 2021 by looking at the top 11 solar power trends. These include rising component costs and unprecedented growth, the skinny on Build Back Better woes, online sales of rooftop systems, the push for US solar manufacturing, NEM squabbles, the fabulous interconnection queues, innovation and VC investment, the solar+storage boom, and import tariffs.

With certain supply and labor shortages, drones can compensate in some instances in order to run on-site surveys and map install environments. They can be used in tandem with site techs and expedite the design and overall install process. This can result in a better installation for the consumer and time and cost savings all around.