Tag: Solar Finance Companies

Sunnova signs $3 billion virtual power plant loan agreement with DOE

Strategic partnership for easier access to monitoring and warrantees

BayWa r.e. secures $115M in funding with Nomura

Creation of a new venture capital org to support climate startups

Crowdfunding for clean energy projects

Okra CEO is looking to solve C&I financing issues

New format for investing in commercial solar

Sunrock and Greenbacker are partnering up

New tech platform from a new financing company

Aurora streamlines their app even more with a new partnership

CleanCapital nabs significant portion of the commercial solar space

Blackstone rolls out credit platform focused on renewables

Community solar 101

DSD creates small dev partnerships to foster C&I solar growth

Loanpal is now GoodLeap

Enphase and Sunnova go battery together

MSI GW fuses solar radiation and temperature data to trigger insurance payments

Deep Green Solar: PPA financing tailored for small commercial-scale projects

Mosaic has made it easier for solar prospects to apply for credit online

Energetic Insurance: A solar financing startup for commercial solar insurance