SolarAcademy Journal: Healthy, Connected, Conscious & Distributed Power

Week 25.

All is connecting. Capital, projects, content, community, and commerce are moving towards convergence in my world of SolarAcademy. I have a feeling it will take some more months for all of it to come together in a way that makes sense. But things are moving in the right direction.

When I started SolarAcademy my vision for what the industry needs was something all-encompassing to connect information and knowledge flow. To many, that sounds not-focused. Or, too ambitious. Or, too monopolistic. 

Yes, one could argue all of that. And I question the same things, too. Am I being too unfocused or too ambitious or too crazy all at the same time.

But then I stop and think. You know… the industry indeed needs a platform for all people to get the knowledge that they need. And in a way where the platform is not monopolizing or manipulating the information but really to help others gain power & knowledge. 

I mean, literally, power in the form of solar power, distributed power, and knowledge. Power that breaks concentrated, unconscious, and unhealthy power for healthy, balanced, and connected power. In harmony with the planet and all living beings. And we can do that with today’s technologies.

That is ultimately what I would want to make happen with SolarAcademy. But as all say, first start small. Start at home. A question to ponder today.

Do I have healthy distributed balanced harmonious power at my own home?