Brecksville, Ohio
United States of America
Who we are: Solar Builder is a B2B media brand specializing in the residential, commercial and utility-scale U.S. solar markets. Benjamin Media and Solar Builder have been a trusted source for the latest solar news in North America since 2011.
What we do: Solar Builder focuses on the installation/construction of solar PV systems, covering the latest PV technology (modules, mounting, inverters, storage, BOS) and equipping installers/contractors with tips and tools to make informed purchasing decisions. We give solar pros the scoop on new products, standout PV projects, market trends and industry scuttlebutt. We relay installation tips and technical research from contributing experts. We constantly tinker with new / useful ways to deliver this information. And we try to make it all fun!
How we do it:
- Print: A quarterly magazine packed with our best original and exclusive articles.
- Web: This website you’re looking at, updated daily with industry news and original, in-depth content
- Email: Multiple newsletters serving a variety of reader interests
- Video: series highlighting unique products, projects and ideas moving the industry forward
- Social: Spreading the word wherever our readers follow (LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook)