Category: Solar panel manufacturer
About: JA Solar is a prominent global solar energy company specializing in the research, development, and manufacturing of high-quality photovoltaic modules. With a history dating back to 2005, JA Solar has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to technological excellence and sustainability. Offering a diverse portfolio of solar modules, including monocrystalline, multicrystalline, and bifacial modules, JA Solar is recognized for their exceptional performance, durability, and efficiency. With a customer-centric approach, JA Solar has established a robust sales and service network, catering to customers across the globe. Their steadfast dedication to delivering superior quality, reliability, and environmental responsibility positions JA Solar as a trusted partner in the global shift towards clean energy.
Leadership: Founded in 2005 by CEO Jin Baofang, JA Solar is a global solar energy company headquartered in Shanghai. Known for its commitment to innovation and sustainability, JA Solar offers high-quality photovoltaic modules. With a widespread sales and service network, they play a vital role in the global shift towards clean energy.
Contact: +1-408-586-0000