4571 Broadway St.
Boulder, CO
United States of America
About: Amicus Solar Cooperative is a group of PV installers, integrators, EPC’s and developers, who benefit by collaborating to lower customer acquisition costs, streamline project financing and drastically improve operational efficiencies. In addition, member owners can experience the benefits of vertical integration, such as purchasing power, without sacrificing control over their individual missions. With this purpose in mind, Amicus was founded in 2011. Amicus is jointly owned and democratically managed by our member companies.
Amicus Solar helps our member companies build financially strong, resilient, enduring solar companies that provide the highest quality and long-term service to their customers while making a positive impact on their employees, communities, investors, supply partners, and the planet.
Our purpose is to find, bring together, support and empower independent companies that bring honor to the solar industry in the way they serve their communities.