16950 Via de Santa Fe, Suite 5060-127 Rancho Santa Fe, CA
(866) 647-6874
Group IV Solar (GIVS) is a turnkey energy systems developer and sustainability consultancy serving customers in residential, industrial, and commercial markets in San Diego and the greater Southern California region.
GIVS offers wide-ranging energy solutions ranging from utility-scale ground-mount solar plants to traditional residential & commercial solar systems to microgrids to EV infrastructure. Group IV Solar divides 100% of its profit 50:50 between its employees and customers.
Founded in 2009 in Toronto, Canada, Group IV Solar is led by its founder Michael Zimerman, a serial entrepreneur, business consultant, and formerly a metals & mining investment banking specialist.
1) Why and how did you get into solar and start Group IV Solar?
2) After operating in Canada why is Group IV Solar operating in Southern California now?
3) How is Group IV Solar different from other solar companies?
4) Which are some of the most common questions Group IV Solar answers for its prospective customers?
5) Group IV Solar’s unique business model and how it democratizes power and shares 50% of profits with its customers.
6) How can customers go solar with zero cash out of their pocket?
7) What are Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) / Microgrids?
8) What is electricity independence?
9) What are the current incentive programs for solar & storage: Federal ITC, Self Generating Incentive Program.