
SolarAcademy Journal: Power of Patience

Week 16 at SolarAcademy.

It was a slow week last week. I did about half of what I set out to accomplish. I did improve the HeatSpring page for the “Become a Solar Entrepreneur” course. I still have to complete the page for and need to make further progress on the course content. I also worked on a number of investments and companies.

I picked the theme of patience this week.

Sometimes things come together at such speed synchronicity that it feels like the universe is working for you. And sometimes things stall, or slow down, or go wrong all at once such that it feels like your world is collapsing. For some reason today and the start of this week feels like that.

In such times, it helps to practice the power of patience. I try to do that while I remember this favorite line from one of my favorite novels, Siddartha, by Herman Hesse.

“I can think. I can wait. I can fast.”


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