
Is Solar the New Fire?

I recently met Scott Nguyen (Harvard Phd. in Physics), a solar entrepreneur who has built a pretty smart app to increase customer satisfaction for mid-sized solar companies. His company is called 17terawatts, and his product is called Bodhi.

Bodhi is a digital assistant that helps solar companies cultivate the relationship between their residential customers and the energy that powers their lives.

Bodhi keeps them informed of every step of the installation process, aware of the performance of their investment, and makes it easy for them to refer their friends and neighbors. Watch this 60 second video about Bodhi and learn more at

And here’s the TEDx talk Scott delivered last April.

In this talk, Scott talks about how solar is a game changer like fire was once. He talks about how he expects humans’ direct relationship with energy to evolve, along with the solar revolution over the next decades.

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