
Enact Systems: Company Background

Kerim Baran recently hosted Joe Tanner, Director of Sales at Enact Systems, on SolarAcademy. In the below segment, Joe shares with us Enact’s company background and more. The transcript of this segment is further below. The entire discussion can be found on this page.

Joe: My name is Joe Tanner. I’m the Director of Sales for Installer Partners here at Enact. We are–we were founded in Pleasanton, California which is up by the Bay Area. But all of our work is remote, that’s a key feature of Enact is that because we’re all remote, we’re all have very specific knowledge of the different utilities, the different struggles with solar in the different regions. We felt that having people kind of spread out was good, because we can grab those different knowledge bases. Enact was founded around eight years ago by our CEO Deep and one of our head development guys he goes by AB-

Kerim: I remember those days actually, I met Deep and team in San Ramon-

Joe: Oh yeah.

Kerim: –at the time, I believe.

Joe: Yeah. You and Deep kind of go back.

Kerim: Yeah, yeah.

Joe: Always. Yeah, we’re in 22 different countries currently. If you want to sell solar in a different country, Enact is the single platform that you can use for both commercial and residential.  And we have–so we’re in 22 different countries, we’re always expanding into different markets in those countries. And we have over a thousand install partners here nationwide and we’re growing every day.

Kerim: Wow. So a thousand installer partners in the US and then you have also international customers in 22 other countries as well?

Joe: Yeah.

Kerim: Wow. And how about the team? How many countries is the team spread out across? And may I ask you a headcount for the teams?

Joe: [Laugh] We have a lot of developers in India working on the back end, and we have people in kind of the Indian area. We have some that are going to Africa. I, myself, and probably jumping around to Japan, Australia, South Africa-

Kerim: South Africa that is.

Joe: -yeah to get the market going in those different places-

Kerim: Got it.

Joe: -so as we expand more, we are talking about opening up. Not really headquarters, but having just like a stationed personnel in that area. Like Japan for instance, is a growing market that we’re actively pursuing same with Australia. So, once we kind of get a foothold in there, we are going to set up a post for having a rep there or having a development team there or a utility member there.

Kerim: Got it. And what do you think is the total universe of installer partners in the US and worldwide that could be using Enact?

Joe: I think one of the key features of Enact is that we can fit into any niche market, any niche company. I think there’s a wide range to answer that question. But we–we’re currently looking into like the smaller companies, the people who are doing like roofing and turf and home repairs and solar I call them and solar companies. Companies who, solar isn’t their main gig. They want to kind of sell one or two houses a month maybe. So we kind of fit into that niche.

But then also the companies who are doing commercial and residential or battery only options. We’re really the platform that can work with that. And of course the larger installer, the Sun runs the– Sun Powers of the world. We can also hold them in our platform and use them. But our niche market right now is the smaller companies, both commercial and residential.

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