
3 exciting solar startups (Q1 2022): 1st of 3 – Bodhi Solar

Kerim Baran of SolarAcademy sits down with Brian Hayden of HeatSpring, expert online solar education site, to discuss the hottest solar startups around. Kerim describes Bodhi Solar, a company that offers a customer service app for solar installers that automates their communication and paperwork with customers.

Here’s the video transcript:

Kerim Baran: And so some startups that have been on my radar and I’ve made small investments and helped their founders in the recent years, the last 2-3 years. Bodhi is one which is led by Scott Nguyen. He’s an amazing guy that worked in Shell. He’s a Harvard physics PhD, and he’s innovating on a problem that he actually experienced when he was going solar in Texas, putting solar in his home.

He just realized the installation process takes two to four months, generally, maybe longer in certain cases and how convoluted it is. So he actually built a CRM extension app, is what I call it, that runs alongside Salesforce, Zoho or whatever is the platform that is organizing the sales and operations activity for a medium sized installer – let’s call it a small to medium sized installer.

And it’s an app that goes in the hand of the homeowner and the Installation companies, team ops and sales team to facilitate communication better from the point of contract signing all the way to the end of installation and thereafter. So that’s one company that I really like, Bohi Solar.

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