
10 Things Worth Reading This Week (2/12/2021)

BayWa r.e. and EnergyCircle have a three part video digital marketing series that looks at how to devise an effective marketing platform. build a strong website, tap multiple sources both paid and organic to drive traffic to your site, and convert leads.

The COVID relief package from House Democrats involves giving $100 million to the EPA to look at disparities around pollution and COVID. Half would go to grants and contracts and the other half would go to monitoring air quality monitoring and similar efforts. 

The first report from NREL’s Storage Futures Study, which aims to help increase deployment,  lays out four phases of the US battery growth in relation to the grid. The phases are defined by battery duration and their role in the grid and give stakeholders common terms for assessing grid evolution. 

Silfab Solar has released a new Elite series of back contact res modules in the US. Called SIL 370 / 375 /380 BK, they have an efficiency rating of 21.4% and a number of premier distribution partners. They operate at lower temp with top low-light performance for 6% on a kWh/kWp basis.

The Biden-Harris administration just launched the Climate Innovation Working Group, a new research group dedicated to addressing the climate crisis. It involves $100 million in funding via the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy for the DOE to look at low-carbon energy tech.

Financing agency Mosaic topped $4B in loans funded via their platform. New features are 18-months no payment setup and a 25-year term loan. Their strong, disciplined performance the past years has boosted their relationship to capital markets resulting in lower rates to homeowners.

According to a new report, perovskite, which could drop solar costs by 80%, will penetrate the market by the end of 2021 in tandem with existing silicon cells, then on the module level with silicon modules, and ultimately in the form of very cheap pure perovskite panels.

More than 220 organizations created a national coalition called the 30 Million Solar Homes campaign. Goals are to add rooftop and community solar to 30 million US homes (1 in 4) in the next 5 years, resulting in 3 million new jobs and the lowering of annual energy bills by $20 billion.

Aurora pinpoints five features of a proposal that help close a deal. These include highlighting financial savings and customer reviews, offering stories and features that make you memorable and differentiate you from competition, and creating a highly customized proposal.

Report shows that res solar installations impact the wider community. Rather than driving up electricity costs for people without panels, grid-tied PV solar systems subsidize their non-PV neighbors. A goal of the report was to provide data to utilities so they could plug in proprietary data to make a complete valuation.

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